Synergy of 5 SOES share at Saraswati ceremony Probolinggo

Probolinggo, 15 December 2019 – 5 state-owned enterprises, PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), PT Pertamina, PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero), PT PN XI and PT Waskita Karya TBK (Persero) conducted social activities namely cheap food and share happiness with children from Communities in need in the Tengger region. The social service was held at Saraswati celebrations centered in Ngadirejo village, Sukapura subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency, East Java.

On social service in the form of the budget food degree, as many as 1,000 packages of cheap groceries worth Rp 100,000,-per package sold at a price of Rp 25,000,-per package.  Basic food packages that are provided in this form of rice, cooking oil, sugar, salt, and sardines in the distribution are the result of cooperation with the local Bulog.

Cheap food opening is characterized by the symbolic submission of a cheap groceries package from PLT deputy business infrastructure of the Ministry of State Enterprises Yuni Suyanto, VP of CSR SMEPP PT Pertamina (Persero) Arya Dwi Paramita, head of Division of Corporate Secretary of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Rariya Budi Harta, GM Corporate Secretary of PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) Puguh Dwi Tjahjono, head of division of PKBL PT PN XI Sugiarti and Head Small Medium Enterprise & Social Responsibility Partnership PT Waskita Karya Tbk (Persero) Meiriawan, to the representatives of the citizens and witnessed by Camat Sukapura, Maryoto S. Sos, M.Si. 

Figure 1. Photo by Rep 5 BUMN in Saraswati ceremony at Ngadirejo Village, Sukapura, Probolinggo.

Vice President Corporate Social Responsibility of Pertamina, as the coordinator of BUMN, Arya Dwi Paramita, convey the activity is a form of synergy of state-owned enterprises and part of the present state BUMN Program (BHUN) 2019 initiated by the ministry BUMN and aims to improve the welfare of society. The activities of BUMN have been underway since 2015 in all provinces in Indonesia.

This cheap food degree aims to help people get and access basic needs at affordable prices. And the result of the sale of cheap food will return to the community in the form of donations that are beneficial to the community, in addition, the five COMPANIES also carry out happiness sharing activities with children from families less Sukapura, Probolinggo District. Assistance is given to 100 students of ELEMENTARY, Junior High, and SMK who are underprivileged. Each of them get a parcel of school equipment worth Rp 100,000,-and education benefit of Rp. 250,000,-. 

Picture 2. Delivery of food package by head of division of Corporate Secretary of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Rariya Budi Harta to the residents Ngadirejo, Sukapura, Probolinggo.

In the event, children have the opportunity to showcase their skills in the field of dance, in addition to other interesting entertainment and educational games in the form of games that can add to the insight of children. It is a real manifestation of STATE awareness to the next generation of nations by sharing the happiness with the underprivileged children through the granting of compensation and parcel of school supplies.

The social service held at Saraswati celebrations reminds the significance of Saraswati for Hindus, a day where the decline of science is sacred to mankind for the advancement, peace and prosperity of mankind. Synergy of five BUMN in East Java province is a real action form of SOE concern to the community. Previously, PT PAL Indonesia, Pertamina, Waskita Karya, INKA, PT PN XI and have synergized in the state of the presence of BUMN in the form of Safari Ramadan and ANNIVERSARY of INDONESIA centered in Tuban district.

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