Monday, 9 September 2019-Director of human Resources and general of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Ibu Etty Soewardani signed a cooperation agreement on the Certified Internship Student Program (PMMB) Batch 2 with 8 leaders of state and private universities A symbolic event of the opening of a certified internship student Program.

Picture 1 Symbolically submission of a certified internship student Program by Ibu Etty Soewardani as director of human Resources and general of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

The eight colleges, the Hang Tuah University, Institute of Technology, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), State University of Malang (UM), Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA), Polytechnic State of Jember (POLIJE), the Surabaya State Government Polytechnic (PPNS), and Widyagama University.

On the first occasion, Ibu Etty Soewardani said that the Certified Internship Student Program (PMMB) is a program of Ministry of BUMN through Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) BUMN which become strategic partner in implementing and Develop policies related to Human Capital in BUMN. The Program aims to distribute potential and explore experience in SOES (link and match academic institutions with industry) as well as improving their skills as a provision in the workforce in the future. Participants will run an internship in various working units in PT PAL (Persero) for six months or until February 2020. 

Picture 2 of Ibu Etty Soewardani as director of human Resources and general of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

The opening ceremony of the Certified internship Student Program was attended by the head of HCM Division & CM PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Ibu Ambika, Mr. Ir. Sudyantoro Hadi, M.SI as Vice Rector III of Hang Tuah University, Kasubdit Career Development and Entrepreneurship Students Institute of Technology Mr. Arif Abdurrahman, the representative of the University of Airlangga Tubiyono, representative of the State University of Malang Mr. Mu'arifin, head of Bureau Academic and cooperation of Mr. Ronny Malavia, SE of Islamic University representatives Mr. Syamsul Arifin as the representative of the State Polytechnic of Jember, Vice director I PPNS Mr. Adi Wirawan Husodo, ST, MT. and head of the center Career development of Widyagama Dra University. Wiwin Purnomowati Msi.

Prepared by: Department of Public Relations of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)