PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) signed a contract of cooperation with Posco International Corporation

Surabaya, 9 October 2019 – President Director of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Budiman Saleh welcomes a warm visit to the delegation of Posco International Corporation represented by the Executive Vice President of Mobility & Industrial Material Business Group of Posco International Corporation, Mr. Kye-In Lee. The main Agenda of the visit was the signing of the supply contract for the construction of the Dual Fuel Engines Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP) worth of 85 million euros being worked on by PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Figure 1. Shared photos in Front of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) PIP Building

In his speech, President director of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Budiman Saleh said that the cooperation between PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) has lasted long and close that can support business opportunities of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) as a company Shipyards and EPC companies in the energy field. POSCO International Corporation has provided back up in the form of material supplies on various projects undertaken by PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) such as the construction of SSV 123 meters, speed boat missile (KCR) and SEWACO system, Tug Boat And the TNI AL Hospital auxiliary vessel. Meanwhile, Executive Vice President of Mobility & Industrial Material Business Group of Posco International Corporation, Mr. Kye-in Lee in his speech affirmed the commitment of Posco International Corporation to provide back up Material supply for Development of projects undertaken by PT PAL Indonesia (Persero). With the support, PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) can maximize its potential in the workmanship and completion of the project so that it can continue to maintain customer confidence.

Picture 2. Signing of cooperation contracts           

  This cooperation contract is intended as part of the fulfillment of raw material and material supply for three BMPP builders ordered by PT Indonesia Power. Three units of BMPP built with a capacity of 2×60 MW will be placed in Kolaka, southeast Sulawesi and 1×30 MW that will be placed in Sambelia, West Nusa Tenggara.

Fig. 3. Contract Cooperation of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) & Posco International Corp.

Prepared by: Department of Public Relations of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)